STEILWERK centuries of traditioncenturies of tradition
About us
STEILWERK stands for extremely steep vineyards and centuries-old craftsmanship for cultivating and maintaining the terraced vineyards in Stuttgart-Rohracker.
The 24 Steilwerk winegrowers do almost all work by hand, without heavy machinery. They carry the tools required for cultivation on foot through vineyard terraces, up and down. In the fall, they pick the grapes by hand and transport the ripe berries in baskets on their backs. This requires a lot of balancing acts and endurance - the gym quickly becomes needless.
The lively winegrowers’ cooperative in Stuttgart-Rohracker has a long tradition and was founded in 1919. In the center of the village, there is an imposing half-timbered building from 1564, the home of Steilwerk. It is not only the winegrowers’ architectural identity but also serves to process the grapes in the fall and sell the wines all year round.
The Steilwerkers cultivate their vineyards with loving enthusiasm and painstaking manual labor, without heavy machinery. With our four hectares in total, we are the smallest winegrowers’ cooperative in Württemberg.
Terraced vineyards
terraced vineyards
For many winegrowers, terraced vineyards are an exceptional location where the time-consuming and arduous work is hardly worthwhile. For us, there is nothing else.
As a reward, the cultivated landscape on the outskirts of Stuttgart is home to an incomparably diverse flora and fauna. Over 70 species of wild bees alone buzz through the Rohracker terraced vineyards. The dry-stone walls of the vineyard terraces provide a habitat for many rare animals and plants that cannot be found in other wine-growing areas.

steil, steiler, am steilsten
Steil, Steiler, am Steilsten
The grapes for the Steilwerk wines from terraced vineyards ripen under sustainable conditions in a symbiosis of nature and cultivated landscape. This is because aromas in wine can only reach their peak under the best environmental conditions, as the quality levels show: “steil, steiler, am steilsten” (steep, steeper, steepest).

economical, ecological, forward-looking: PIWIsPIWIs
economical, ecological, forward-looking:

The Steilwerkers want to preserve the magnificent flora and fauna for future generations just as sustainably as the centuries-old vineyard terraces.
That is why they see the future in natural and innovative viticulture. In addition to traditional grape varieties, the Steilwerk winegrowers also rely on new, fungus-resistant grape varieties (PIWI), such as Souvignier Gris or Cabernet Jura. These are less sensitive to vine diseases and require significantly fewer pesticides. The economic and ecological balance is also improved.
Contact us
Contact us
Our events
Keine Veranstaltungen gefundenIf you want to learn more about STEILWERK contact us via mail at or visit us in Stuttgart-Rohracker. Our boutique hours you can find at the bottom of this page.
We are also hosting or participating in events. Our planned events you can find here. Guided vineyard tours or wine tastings are possible after consultation.